viva cuba! viva food!
Here’s my favorite midtown Manhattan lunch spot. It’s a tiny tiny Cuban cafeteria tucked onto West 46th St. just off of Times Square. It’s called Margon and according to the sign outside, it’s New York’s Best Kept Secret. I don’t know about that. If you don’t get there early for lunch you don’t get a seat.
It’s nothing fancy. If you’re looking for elegant surroundings you’d best steer clear. But if you’d like some authentic Cuban grub for under $10 bucks, you can’t do better. Here are a few of the daily specials.

I ALWAYS go with the oxtail and a big plate of black beans and rice with fried sweet plantains. They have killer empanadas, too. God, I want to lick my monitor.

The long hours at my new yob means that I don't see The Daughters as much as I use to. The other unfortunate by-product is that I can't keep up with the blogs in my Google Reader. I really miss it. I don't have time to read or comment. I'm New Guy at the Investment Bank and it's too soon to read blogs at work.
Can everyone please put their lives/blogs on hold until I can get back to you? Is that asking a lot?
Isn’t Friday I’m In Love by The Cure just the happiest damn song ever? How ironic is that?!
It’s nothing fancy. If you’re looking for elegant surroundings you’d best steer clear. But if you’d like some authentic Cuban grub for under $10 bucks, you can’t do better. Here are a few of the daily specials.

I ALWAYS go with the oxtail and a big plate of black beans and rice with fried sweet plantains. They have killer empanadas, too. God, I want to lick my monitor.

* * *
The long hours at my new yob means that I don't see The Daughters as much as I use to. The other unfortunate by-product is that I can't keep up with the blogs in my Google Reader. I really miss it. I don't have time to read or comment. I'm New Guy at the Investment Bank and it's too soon to read blogs at work.
Can everyone please put their lives/blogs on hold until I can get back to you? Is that asking a lot?
* * *
Isn’t Friday I’m In Love by The Cure just the happiest damn song ever? How ironic is that?!
I don't care if Monday's blue, Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too, Thursday I don't care about you it's Friday, I'm in loooooveeeeooohhhhh!
Nice happy song. Might put it on now.
Don't worry about missing blogs. You've picked a good time to be employed, my reader is fairly quiet at the moment. My week can be described as
- eat
repeat x 1000000
I love that place. Their Cuban sandwiches are wonderful. And heart healthy to boot.
I love oxtail stew
Jo: I heard that in the background while buying my morning coffee and it stayed with me all day.
Bob: Right down the block from Brand This! An old favorite.
Nurse: My dear Italian mama use to make homemade oxtail soup.
If i send you my address will you please send me a plate of oxtails and empanadas please?
No drinks, water is fine.
"cuban food" and "heart healthy" are words i've not heard mixed together before... hmmm...
Never had oxtail and probably won't. But I love Cuban sandwiches. Give the job a few more days, then you can get back to surfing.
I love that song...and I told you to enjoy your unemployment a few posts back! Welcome back to misery, at least you still find little things that make life enjoyable. I belive it's all the little things in life that make you happy.
God, I love Cuban food. One of the few bad things about this move Down Under is the lack of Latin American food.
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