The Unbearable Banishment: Steroid Scandal

Monday, June 2, 2008

Steroid Scandal

2-Year Old Daughter caught a bout of the croup. Croup is a common but unpleasant childhood ailment. It causes her to cough in a way that makes her sound like a large, angry dog. If you closed your eyes, you wouldn't think it was a dainty 2-year old girl at all. The remedy for coup is a steroid shot. For three solid days after she got her dose, she was a screaming, raging, violent, unpleasant, red-faced demon. She tried to give 6-Year Old Daughter a good hard shove down the steps! My 2-year old had ‘roid rage. Really! I think they might have overdosed her. The silver lining is that she has bulked up nicely, has a thick neck and can lift the sofa to retrieve a ball that has rolled underneath it.


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