Anger! Insults! Expulsion! And then...CRAPS!
Out of a sense of self-preservation and duty to family, I've decided to leave my current consulting gig at an unstable company who might (or might NOT) have eventually offered me a staff position for a consulting job at a healthier firm. This can't go on forever.
Can it?
A prerequisite for the new gig was that I start on Monday. When you leave a job, it's customary to give two weeks' notice. If you're a consultant, however, the rules are a little looser. If they had to terminate my contract, I wouldn't have been given two minutes notice much less two weeks. So I was shocked (shocked!) at the anger and vitriol spewed by my boss because I was only giving them one week notice. She stood up from her chair, her eyes flaring, and told me I was the most unprofessional person she ever met. She disappeared into the department head's office for about :45 minutes and when she came back she walked up to my desk and said that everyone (meaning, her) felt it best if I left right now. They confiscated my ID and threw me out of the building! I don't recall anyone being that angry at me. Ever!
The headhunter who placed me at my new gig said he could rustle up a short project to finish out the week but since the next day was The Daughter's birthday (5-years old with a vengeance), I decided to take the rest of the week off. When I related this tale of rejection to Mrs. Wife, she suggested that I take a day and blow off some steam in Atlantic City. What a wife!

I had a quick cup of coffee and headed straight for the craps tables. It's my thing! I love the game, the people, the language, the culture.

Favorite bit of overheard banter:
70-ish year-old woman: "Give me the six and the nine."
Stickman: "The six and nine! My favorite numbers!"
70-ish year-old woman: "Mine, too, when I was younger."
Pit boss: "This is supposed to be a family destination."
Can it?
A prerequisite for the new gig was that I start on Monday. When you leave a job, it's customary to give two weeks' notice. If you're a consultant, however, the rules are a little looser. If they had to terminate my contract, I wouldn't have been given two minutes notice much less two weeks. So I was shocked (shocked!) at the anger and vitriol spewed by my boss because I was only giving them one week notice. She stood up from her chair, her eyes flaring, and told me I was the most unprofessional person she ever met. She disappeared into the department head's office for about :45 minutes and when she came back she walked up to my desk and said that everyone (meaning, her) felt it best if I left right now. They confiscated my ID and threw me out of the building! I don't recall anyone being that angry at me. Ever!
The headhunter who placed me at my new gig said he could rustle up a short project to finish out the week but since the next day was The Daughter's birthday (5-years old with a vengeance), I decided to take the rest of the week off. When I related this tale of rejection to Mrs. Wife, she suggested that I take a day and blow off some steam in Atlantic City. What a wife!
* * *
Here's an interesting photo. This is the Revel Casino which is under construction and due to open in the spring. It's designed as an "invisible" building, i.e., its reflective surface causes the building to vanish against the sky. This photo was taken with my iPhone and is NOT retouched in any way.
Here's an interesting photo. This is the Revel Casino which is under construction and due to open in the spring. It's designed as an "invisible" building, i.e., its reflective surface causes the building to vanish against the sky. This photo was taken with my iPhone and is NOT retouched in any way.

See that little house in front of it? The owner has lived there for 80 years—since he was 5 years old!—and refused to sell his property, so the building is being constructed in his back yard. Personally, I think that would be wonderfully convenient. Morgan Stanley initially helped finance the project with a pre-recession cash infusion of $1.2 billion. Their investment value today is estimated at $30 million—a loss of -98%! Pretty typical return when you bring money to Atlantic City.
* * *I had a quick cup of coffee and headed straight for the craps tables. It's my thing! I love the game, the people, the language, the culture.

Favorite bit of overheard banter:
70-ish year-old woman: "Give me the six and the nine."
Stickman: "The six and nine! My favorite numbers!"
70-ish year-old woman: "Mine, too, when I was younger."
Pit boss: "This is supposed to be a family destination."
* * *