I'm glad it's your birthday
Today is Billy Crudup's birthday. Also, Graham Jones, guitarist from Haircut 100. Kevin Bacon, Wolfgang Puck, Billy Eckstine, Beck and Nelson Rockefeller.
And me.
Apropos of nothing, here's a rare full-frontal shot of Daughter and I on the roof of the Met at the Big Bambú exhibit. Just so you know who you're dealing with.

Yeah, that's my man-purse. I got it for free from Kenneth Cole. You got a problem with that?
And me.
Apropos of nothing, here's a rare full-frontal shot of Daughter and I on the roof of the Met at the Big Bambú exhibit. Just so you know who you're dealing with.

Yeah, that's my man-purse. I got it for free from Kenneth Cole. You got a problem with that?
Well, I hope Bloody Blogger lets me in to wish you a very happy day.
Can't quite remember how I came to your blog, but you are one of my favourite reads.Ooh! That sounds like someone about to grovel!
Oh-just go and have a happy day with your lovely family.
(And please come back with some more NY Personal Tours.Please?)
Just so everyone understands...men had "purses" centuries before women carried "handbags."
We only got 'em when we were allowed out to do the household shopping.But I'm not at all sure about Kenneth Cole...?
Happy Birthday UB and I am happy to have discovered you. I don't take personal responsibility but you know what I mean.
Our French son has used a man purse for yonks and gets a fair bit of ribbing from the family, but when I look at MTL's bulging pockets I think again.
And then I remember our visit to the States, when in the first flush of our reunion he would do my bidding and then lost the MP containing all our worldly goods and passports. The NY police were wonderful and we cancelled everything and then found the MP outside his brother's house in the garden where he had put it down when we arrived. So no man purse for him. Ever again.
Have a Happy Birthday and a great year.
Happy birthday baby!!! xxx
Happy birthday!
As someone who frequently hears "Can you just carry this for me in your bag?", I'm thoroughly in favour of men purses.
I'm all for man bags. I wrote a story for the paper once on how not enough men wear them. Although do you think you could lengthen the strap so the bag reaches your hip? Right now it looks like you're carrying binoculars and an old treasure hunt scroll in that thing.
Love 8-year-old's tie-and-dye dress.
And you, my friend, Happy, Happy Birthday! You're the fourth person I'm wishing today. Two others at least being very close friends.
Thumbs up to the salt and pepper look revealed. You look much better than Kevin Bacon.
Happy Birthday Pal. Hope it's a great day for ya.
I have a little ruck-sack. (That's NOT a euphesism.) :¬)
nonEUPHEMISM even! (Where's me specs?)
And how old are we today?
Happy birthday, man. Hope the wife lets you spend some of it at the casinos.
My god, you're hideous. Thank goodness for your cute little accessory.
The purse is great too.
MIT: It's seems our mutual friend Blogger got its act together just in time for you to wish me a happy. Thank you, very much. If you keep reading, I'll keep writing.
Pat: I use to carry a big backpack around, but that was when I lived in the city and had more to lug. The purse seems to work, except for the part where I feel like a little girl.
Nurse M: xoxo to you, too.
PG: Actually, if Mrs. Wife is in tow (she was not that day) I don't carry it. I shove it all in her bag.
Nimpipi: The fourth today! Really!? I thought I was one in a million and it turns out I'm a dime a dozen.
Map: Thanks. Wish you could buy me a pint for my birthday. Now, THAT would make for an unique celebration.
Sid: It's funny you mention that. Last year on my birthday, I did just that -- spent it shooting craps. Not this time,though.
Sally: Yes, of course your right. I'm grotesque inside an out. That's why I only ever show the back of my prematurely graying head.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUGARPIE! and absolutely no problem with free kenneth cole! ;~D xoxoxoxo
A very Happy Birthday to a very handsome fella! Who cares about the purse?! You do what you need to and I know a few guys who carry some version thereof.
Daughter is a stunner too... you'll be fighting off boys in a few years, sitting on the porch with a shotgun... or something like that! That'll make the rest of your hair go grey. ;-)
Your name and avatar, seen in the comments sections of so many of the blogs I read, have been calling to me for some time, so when Sav said it's your birthday it seemed the perfect excuse to come and nose around a bit. So, happy birthday, your daughter is gorgeous, and men who are sensible enough to use a bag to carry their stuff are the best sort.
Happy Birthday, Sweetie!
I'm with the others here; you were a jolly good find!
Savannah: I point out that it was FREE because I don't want anyone thinking I'd actually BUY a man purse. Thanks for the wishes and the link.
Ponita: Thanks for the compliments! Obviously, *I* care but I don't know why. I'm hoping both daughters are gay. I can handle another girl coming for her. I know what boys want.
Eryl: Well, welcome aboard. Thanks for the good wishes. Stick around. No charge!
MT: Got your text. This is a bonus wish.
Scarlet: Thanks! Your place ain't so bad, either. I love my overseas readers.
Here's your boomerang. Many happy returns.
Here's your boomerang. Many happy returns.
My Man has given up his Kenneth Cole handbag for a Desigual equivalent. There's nothing wrong with being comfortable with your sexuality.
Happy birthday. The purse is lovely.
Really I don't understand how you men survive without purses.
Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Annie: It clashes with my shoes. I think. I don't really know.
Cat: Thanks. We have a lot less stuff to lug around than 'yall. A LOT less.
Happy Birthday! through reading the contents, and knowing you're probably not a gun-toting kinda guy, might i suggest that you'll someday be sitting in a rocking chair on your porch, threatening the men who come to call on your beautiful young daughters with your purse.
fill it with lead. that'll teach 'em to laugh at a man with a purse...
Happy birthday!
Another year older and another year wiser. Never too old to learn a few tricks from the younger set - your lovely daughter is learning early, and you are smart to pick up on her lead (love her purse too!).
What a handsome/beautiful pair you two are, enjoying the wonders of NYC!!
All the best to you both!!
Mine was on the 5th, but I'm not giving you a full frontal.
Happy Birthday fellow Cancerian!
Hey, you have a von Purse-y (hilarious World Cup joke, quickly losing it's charm)
So. Cue rousing happy birthday chorus:
Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Hope it was marvelous!
Daisy: There aren't going to be any boys. I'm steering them into lesbianism. If that doesn't work I'll lock them in the basement. But there won't be any boys.
Lori: Thank you! I'm trying to get New York under her skin. So far, I think it's working. Now for the other one...
Dolce: Oh, to be serenaded on my birthday. Thanks. That's all I really needed.
Thank you so much for your comment and the link which moved me to tears.
This exchange of experiences is what is so heart warming about blogging.
Happy Birthday, and nothing wrong with your man purse. I always said guys should carry one and not sit lopsided on a packed wallet.
"It's not a purse...it's European!"
Happy Birthday! I was going to get you a purse...errr...European carry all, but I see you already have one.
Pat: That's the best blog post I've ever written. I don't think I'll top it, but I'll keep trying.
TB: I'm tempted to say I agree, but I'm CLEARLY self conscious about carrying it. In New York of all places! Where you see this sort of thing everywhere!
Blue: All gifts are gladly accepted. COD if necessary. Oh, and GO SPAIN!!! I'm so happy for you guys. Nice work on the Germans.
Very late, though very sincere wishes for a great year ahead.
Happy belated birthday.
And Kenneth Cole doesn't make it right.
Wow, I feel horrible--happy belated birthday over the internet. I'm a great niece!
Nice man purse. Would have been a great accessory with that Subaru.
My dear friend, as a father of three daughters I have to tell you something. And I'm telling you for your own good.
(All the ones who come into our house are scared of me, so all you need to do is shave your head and get some bigger tattoos!) :¬)
WV = sheat
HIF: It may be late, but I'm TAKE IT! Thanks.
Jo: I know. I feel awful about it. If I was aware, I'd have removed it before the photo was taken.
LTH: And you call yourself family! Huh. No matter. See you in a few weeks.
Map: Please don't remind me. I'm in a state of denial about the whole ordeal.
Happy birthday!
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