This pic accompanied a story in
The New York Times about Bob Porbert, a member of the Detroit Red Wings who passed away last July at age 45.

An autopsy revealed that repeated blows to the head caused a degenerative brain disease. Probert was an "enforcer." An enforcer, for the uninitiated, is a guy on a hockey team who will skate out onto the ice and beat the shit out of someone in order to intimidate the other players or payback an opponent who has fouled his team. A 2007 Hockey News poll rated him the "Greatest Enforcer in Hockey History."
Bill Daly, deputy commissioner of N.H.L., commenting on the autopsy report, said he thought the findings were "interesting science" but, at this time, couldn't recommend taking any steps to address excessive fighting.
Hockey will always be a bush-league, second rate sport until they clean up this mess and get rid of idiots like Bill Daly. And the scariest part of that photo isn't the blood. It's the look on that kid's face.
Speaking of idiots.
* * *

I saw Green Day's
American Idiot, currently at the St. James. It has had a pretty successful run but I had mixed feelings about it.
The music was, of course, great, which comes as no surprise since I already know and like the album. The performances were good enough. A lot of pseudo-punk Broadway kids. The staging and lighting was genius. There was an wholly unexpected hallucinatory dream/flying sequence between a wounded Iraq war vet and a veiled Middle Eastern dancer, that was beautifully rendered. It whetted my appetite for
But, Holy Mother of God, what were they all so angry about?! The play starts and everyone is very,
very pissed but you're never given any context as to why. I think it's because they live in the suburbs or they hate Republicans or they're angry at their their step-dads but I'm not entirely certain. I thought the choreography was amateurish. :90 minutes of fist pumping, head bobbing and foot stomping does not a dance make.
Most surprising of all, I had no idea the show was so damn dreary. I like a little dramatic ebb and flow to my plots. This thing was one long ride straight to hell without a breather. So I don't know what all the fuss is about. I think I must be the wrong demographic.
Labels: The Play's the Thing